Aluminum Industry Needs to Exert Itself to Six Tasks.

First and foremost, it is essential to formulate and implement the development specialized planning and industrial development policy of aluminum industry, confirm rationally development scale, and standardize investment behaviors so as to make the aluminum industrial development adapt resources, energy and the market demand in China.

Second, the government must strictly access standards and the new electrolytic aluminum projects. It is necessary to limit the existing enterprise blindly expand capacity and be strict with alumina project construction in order to ensure orderly development of alumina industry.

Third, the government needs to speed up the adjustment of industrial structure and support the electrolytic aluminum enterprises and joint and reorganization of upstream and downstream enterprises, encourage aluminum electric joint operation, and improve industrial concentration and enterprise competitiveness.

Fourth, the government need to actively promote technological progress, weed out products of higher power consumption production capacity, and focus on developing aluminum alloy products and deep processing aluminum products with high technology content and high added value to cater the national economy development needs for varieties and quality of aluminum products.

Fifth, the government is ought to vigorously develop circular economy, develop and promote to use new aluminum products of high performance, low cost and low consumption, develop miscellaneous scrap aluminum recycling industry, reduce consumption, reduce pollution, and enhance the aluminum resource utilization.

Finally, it is vital to make full use of two resources at home and abroad and establish stable aluminum industrial resource supply security system.

The guiding ideology of aluminum industry development is to adhere to Scientific Outlook on Development, continue to strengthen and improve macroeconomic regulation and control, focus on controlling the total volume, optimize the structure, and reduce the consumption.

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