Cleaning Methods of Aluminum Doors and Windows

First of all, it is important to be noticed that it is not acceptable to step on the aluminum frame and to use it as a support when cleaning. If so, it will do serious harm to aluminum doors and windows.
Second, it is appropriate to clean aluminum doors and windows by using soft cloth with clean water or neutral detergent instead of using plain soap and detergent. It is forbidden to use sludge powder, toilet cleaner and other strong acid and alkali cleaners. If one of these cleaners is used, aluminum profile would be corroded.

Third, it is needed to repair and change the sealing wool top and glass glue in time if they are all fallen off. It is essential to ensure the sealing and heat preservation performances of aluminum doors and windows.

Fourth, glass and window frames should be wiped after raining.

Fifth, check the connection of the parts of doors and windows’ frames. Timely tighten bolts, and replace the damaged parts. Check regularly positioning pin, the wind brace, floor spring and other damageable parts of aluminum alloy doors and windows. Add lubricating oil regularly to keep it clean and flexible.

Sixth, push and pull them gently when opening and closing aluminum doors and windows. Don’t pull or push it hard when finding difficulties. In this case, you should first rule out faults. Soot formation and deformation are the main reasons for the push-pull difficulty of aluminum alloy doors and windows. Keep doors’ frame clean, especially for the push-pull tank. It is advisable to clean the dust in the tank and on the sealing wool top by using vacuum suction.

Seventh, regularly check the sash junction of aluminum door and window. If aluminum doors and windows loose, the overall framework is easy to deform, which makes the doors and windows open and close difficultly. Therefore, the screw should be immediately fastened if it looses. For instance, if the foot of the screw looses, it needed to use a small amount of cement to seal it by using the epoxy super glue.

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