High Alumina Brick with Different Levels Plays Different Roles

High alumina brick is classified according to the content of Al2O3. It is often used by 48%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 60%, and 75% content. Of course, higher levels content belongs to corundum brick.

According to the content, materials’ content is below 55 percent content calls clay brick. It is a kind of neutral refractory, made by burning bauxite or other high alumina content material. It owns high thermal stability, and its refractory temperature is around 1700 ° C. It is used in glass furnace, cement kiln and steel-making furnace lining. Of course, some belong to high aluminum clay bricks, high aluminum brick products with low creep and low porosity. According to the requirements of different use, the ratio of raw material in the middle of the production is important.

And the only difference between high alumina bricks and clay brick is not just the alumina content. Their production process is similar, but the ingredients in the clinker are high, reaching about 90% to 95%. The sintering temperature is much higher than that of clay brick. In the actual test, primary and secondary high alumina brick is mostly used in tunnel kiln, blast furnace, the furnace top, reverberatory, rotary kiln lining and many other kilns with 1500 ° C to 1600 ° C temperature.

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