India raised the import duty on stainless flat steel imports in order to suppress

To change the Indian domestic steel capacity utilization problems, the Indian government on July 10 decided to import tariffs on stainless steel flat products from 5% to 7.5%. Indian Finance Minister explained the goal of their work is that the purpose of this practice is to give the Indian domestic steel industry to provide power.

India is currently facing the threat of imports rose sharply, especially from China.

Now, in terms of import tariffs, India is low compared to other countries of. The average import tariff is 10 percent in China, Brazil is 14%. Benefit from lower import tariffs, the total amount of products imported from these countries has been rising recently. 2013-14 total imports of 307,226 tons of stainless steel in India, while in 2011-12 this figure was only 239,136 tons. India’s domestic manufacturers the requirements imposed 15 percent tariffs, and require the removal of tariffs on some key raw materials and scrap tariffs to ensure that India’s domestic steel industry globally competitive.

Currently, India is the world’s third largest steel producer and consumer countries. Relevant institutions in India is expected to 2015 stainless steel consumption is expected to rise 8% -9% per year to reach 3.5 million tons.

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